Monday, July 18, 2011


Maneken pis. I don't exactly sure I write it right, but I believe that is. Haha. Well, anyway, this is my third time coming to Belgium. Its attraction is this statue of a peeing boy, and it is overwhelming in the town. As a major tourist site, it is not a surprise that every souvenir shops sell this statue in any kind of form.

Belgium is famous for the chocolate. Belgian chocolate known as one of the best chocolate in the world. And, as its signature trademark of the town, they combine the statue and chocolate, altogether.

It is very entertaining both in our eyes and in the stomach. The waffles we found, i think best I have ever had. And the options were many.
waffles, statue and chocolate. what a Belgium mix!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Akhirnya setelah sekian lama tinggal di alamat , hari ini saya resmi pindah ke alamat baru: .
Alasannya? Karena tempat baru ini punya nama yang lebih bagus, yang lebih cocok dengan keseharian saya. lebih general. lebih mendunia. lebih hmmm lebih saya.

Plus, saya pun menambahkan satu situs blog baru, yang sebenarnya adalah hasil bersih-bersih dari blog saya yang lama dan juga update yang baru, dan juga ini adalah salah satu kegiatan yang semakin giat saya lakukan, semakin fokus saya lakukan. Jadi, ya sudah, di alamat ini: Anda semua bisa melihat hasil karya saya di dapur.

It is not that I'm trying to be more domestic or stuff, but this is what I love to do, one I passionate about, so I believe I need to do something with it.

Selamat menempati rumah baru, andiniya.