Thursday, November 18, 2010

3 nights and 1 pillow

as you might know, I am now under chiropractic treatment. Dr. Mark saw a subluxation on my spines and my neck. He suggested me to adjust myself to use the pillow again. :D As recommended, I use the foam pillow, you know, the one that follow your shape contour? Yeah, that boxy foamy pillow.

After the first treatment (well, the term should be adjustment) I tried to sleep with my pillow on. Can't do that. Nope. It only lasted for 5 mins (hahaha), then I had a nice sleep with no pillow like I always do. As for the next day, I kept trying to sleep with a pillow. Nope. I believe my subconcious mind disagree to use the pillow, and kicked it out while I asleep.

It happens for 3 nights, I think. I tried to use the pillow but it always gone in the morning. Well I think it was after the third adjustment that I finally could sleep with a pillow without kicking it out. Surprisingly, I feel fine! There was a time when I felt uncomfortable with a pillow on my neck, but I managed to survive the night!

The pillow is still there in the morning, I feel no pain on my shoulder and neck like I used to if I use a pillow. And most importantly I feel fresh every morning. But that cost me a mismatch on my bed arrangement. Hahaha

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